Llegamos a la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh la noche del 3 de febrero de 2007, el aniversario de la fundación del partido comunista de Vietnam. Las primeras impresiones de esta ciudad de 6 millones de habitantes registrados y aproximadamente 3 millones de motocicletas, son el calor húmedo, el ruido constante del ronroneo de motores y pitidos de bocinas de un tráfico inagotable y los olores que te asaltan y te sorprenden en cada esquina.
La ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, rebautizada así en 1975 en honor al fundador del partido comunista vietnamita, después de la toma por parte de las tropas del norte de la antigua Saigón, es una ciudad dinámica y moderna que probablemente ha perdido de la antigua Saigón mucho más que el nombre.
We arrived in Ho Chi Minh City the night of the 3rd of February 2007, the anniversary of the foundation of the communist party of Vietnam. The first impressions of this city of more than 6 million registered inhabitants and approximately 3 millions of motorbikes are the humid heat, the constant noise of the motors and beeps of the claxons of a non-stopping traffic and the smells that assault and surprise you in every corner.
Ho Chi Minh city, re-named as such in 1975 in honour of the founder of the communist party after the North Vietnamese troops took over the old Saigon is a dynamic and modern city that probably has lost of the old Saigon much more than the name.
Ho Chi Minh city, re-named as such in 1975 in honour of the founder of the communist party after the North Vietnamese troops took over the old Saigon is a dynamic and modern city that probably has lost of the old Saigon much more than the name.
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