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New 7 wonders of the World
The Seven Wonders of the World is a list of seven remarkable manmade constructions of great beauty that were known in the classic world for being worth visiting, at least once in a live time. Of the old seven wonders, only the Pyramid of Giza still exist. And in a world dominated by internet, not too long could pass without a big competition being organised to elect the new seven wonders of the world that will replace the now disappeared ones. And it was in Cuzco where we discovered the existence of this competition, as all Cuzco was on the streets, and the streets were full of posters with the motto “vote for Machu Picchu”, and full of centres where you could vote for free, and there were street demonstrations and people making us feel guilty for not having voted yet…..
And having the weather cleared up, and having been able to enjoy Machu Picch
u, we are going to vote for it as one of the new seven wonders of the world…. And there are still six more to chose, and we will also vote for Angkor Wat, in Cambodia, and for the only survivor of the old seven. And there are still four more to chose, and among them, a candidate from home, la Alhambra de Granada, can get one of the votes, to plug my side… and there are many other candidates, which we have seen, and many others still to be seen. And the competition finishes the 7th of July, when the new seven wonders will be named. If you have something to say, you can vote in Will La Zarza be among the chosen ones?
1 comment:
Hello, i just surfed in searching for interesting blogs on new seven wonders of the world, you have a cool blog. Do keep up the good work. i live far from where you are and its nice to be able to see what people from across the world thinks.
Warm Regards from the Other Side of the Moon.
On a related note perhaps you might find the following links interesting. we're reviewing the best among the competing 21 participants for the new 7 wonders competition. i'll like to hear your take on the subject via comments. i'll be back soon...
The Kremlin and the Red Square
Angkor Wat
Eiffel Tower
Hagia Sophia
ps. if you have your own favourites list or if you'd like us to write about other wonders pls do mention about it in the comments.
Kerala, India
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